17 January 2010

Party Lights

Party lights, I see the party lights,
They're red and blue and green.
Everybody in the crowd is there,
But you won't let me make the scene.

-"Party Lights," Claudine Clark (1962)

It seemed like a good idea at the time: a short drive to Northeastern University on Sunday afternoon to see America's first black president up close. Actually getting in was something else again. I risked a $50 ticket parking in an iffy spot. Acres of chilled hopefuls stood in lines that snaked 7 blocks long across Huntington Avenue. (I learned later than most of them were turned away after the venue had reached capacity.) I never got close to seeing Obama, but somehow I'm not mad about it. I figure that too many supporters is better than too few.


Fontella B. said...

Mama dear, oh tell me do you hear
They're partying to-ni-i-ight.
I tell you I can't sleep
Because across the street
Oh oh oh oh
I see the party lights.

One of my first 45s.
Played on my Webcor phonograph.

Why is your spacing different on this entry?
I'm scarin'.

Boston • Paris • New York said...

Please pardon the inconvenience. Ms. Bay has been messin' wit the spacin' so we took away her bloggin' privileges for 24 hrs.

- your Global Design Director

Cousin Bruce Morrow said...

Thank you for the clarification.
I guess some (slight) leeway is to be allowed, at least here in the Bay State, where the song's title could conceivably be pronounced, "Patti Lights." Still...