28 June 2009

Some Like It Hot, or What Price Enlightenment?

By popular demand, we offer another episode in our unfortunate signage series. This time we depart from our dental theme to explore the world of tanning, or possibly yoga. The "privates" at issue could have something to do with an individual booth de soleil, or perhaps a custom-tailored contemplative experience.

27 June 2009

Any Excuse to Crunk

The sun has come out after literally an entire month of rain and even though it's the 27th of June, it feels like the first weekend of summer, so I can't help sharing some crunky moves with the public in Central Park.

26 June 2009

2:30 or Hurtin' for Certain

What is it about dentists and signs? They seem to go out of their way to find strange neighbors that create unfortunate compositions of signage. My tooth hurtee just thinking about it. Here's the second in a series of toothsome juxtapositions.

24 June 2009

Who's That Graty?

Being a small business ourselves, we're firmly on the side of the little guy. We noticed with dismay that pitchman Vince's TV infomercial for Slap Chop gave the more modest Graty a lowly, second banana status. Now Graty's not one to brag, but it's well known that this little cheese grater acquits itself nicely in the kitchen. Yet it's virtually upstaged by its more flamboyant partner. So we recently sidestepped the showboaty Slap Chop and went right for poor, downtrodden Graty when it was offered on eBay. Score one for the little guy!

23 June 2009

Utton but Paris

The news is out: I will be visiting Paris from 2-9 septembre for purposes of gastronomic investigation and fashion research. Stay tuned.

21 June 2009

Back 2 Back

Sunday. The wireless waves are buzzing with unrepentant Googling on Macbooks back to back!

20 June 2009

Setbacks and Boatniks

One of the Boston venues I'd planned to sell my shirts at has shut me out, at least temporarily. I had high hopes for using it as a test market to let people get to know Utton Bay and gauge public response to my line. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't discouraged. However this incident only inspires me to look in other directions, namely New York.

16 June 2009

Crunkin' Again

Even though I have a thousand buttons to sew, I'm feelin' that funky, crunky soul music and the gettin' the urge to dance away and play hooky for a few hours. Did you know that Archie Bell of The Drells is a black belt in karate? He certainly knew how to do the Tighten Up and enjoy life at the same time. Shouldn't I?

15 June 2009

A Rack and a Hard Place

I was concerned about how to display my shirts but a trip to Ikea was the solution to my problem. The handy Jall clothes rack was available so I bought two, one for home and one for the road.

14 June 2009

Walking on Heir

Even though Mummy insists I am not the heiress I imagine myself to be, it's hard not to feel like Pauline de Rothschild on a good day, especially when sipping a sublime cup of Zabar's coffee while perched on a peach-colored divan overlooking Central Park. Once back in Boston, I come to realize there's work ahead. The final batch of boatneck shirts have been completed by my sewing contractor and now, business begins in earnest.

11 June 2009

A Smashing Day

Someone backed into me on the street yesterday and the result is a crumpled front fender and some door damage. My poor little car needs some TLC from the body shop. Such is life in the fast lane!

10 June 2009

Land of Opportunity

Dusk in Central Park. A strong cup of coffee and a slab of cheesecake at my elbow, I sit mesmerized by the statue of Columbus carved by Italian sculptor Gaetano Russo sitting atop a 70-foot granite column in the center of Columbus Circle. The whole thing was paid for in 1892 with contributions by New York's Italian immigrants. Those Italians sure loved the USA.

Earlier that day I'd watched a steady stream of tourists eagerly posing for photos with a man dressed up in a Statue of Liberty regalia. The vast majority were from foreign countries; places like Thailand, and Africa. As the statue-man draped an American flag over their shoulders and handed them Liberty's Torch to hold, their faces lit up like kids on Christmas morning. It was clear these people felt America was really something special, a place where anything is possible. I think maybe they're right.

09 June 2009

And It Feels So Good

Heard the song "Reunited" on the radio the other day and it got me thinking about Peaches & Herb. Herb has remained a constant in the duo since 1966, while six different women have filled the role of "Peaches". That's six Peaches to one Herb. One might say the Peaches to Herb Ratio is slightly unbalanced. Imagine if all the Peaches got together. Poor Herb would have some 'splainin' to do. Now that would be a real reunion.

08 June 2009

Walkin' & Wafflin'

As promised, here's today's bonus blog entry to make up for Sunday's missing feature.

During this weekend's visit to Manhattan, the Waffles & Dinges truck parked on Broadway beckoned. There I discovered a heavenly waffle, light and buttery, as well as a bold new theory soon to hit the pages of Scientific American. File this under "E" for essen.

Sweet Inspiration

The latest trend in dentistry; rot your teeth and get 'em fixed in the same location! Now that's an inspired retail strategy.

Just got back from a trip to New York City where I met with investors, took in a play, and enjoyed some fine cuisine. Got plenty of photos to share from my adventures, so check back later.

05 June 2009

Come n' Ghia It

I just picked up 60 finished white tops from my sewing contractor, and they look great. So I figure a successful executrix ought to have a classy ride to match. This 1969 Karmann Ghia fits the bill, don't it? Too bad my bills aren't smaller or I'd get it.

04 June 2009

Tweetless are the Brave

After much discussion, the Utton Bay board of directors (me) voted unanimously NOT to open a Twitter account. Why does the world need to know that I had rutabaga for dinner? Or that the cat threw up? Or a thousand other tiny details? This blog is quite enough, thank you. A girl gots to take a stand somewhere. Of course, I could go on, but instead will store up any further rage and ire in a facility designed especially for such use (as pictured).

02 June 2009

Hangin' Around

Note that my industrious Global Design Director (his cell phone is set to stun) is testing a prototype of our new Utton Bay hang tag. These tags are both biodegradeable and eco-friendly. They also feature the smallest possible carbon footprint of any product in the world today. Or so he says.