09 January 2010

B-School Beat

It's not a painting by Mondrian. It's the Harvard Graduate Student Housing building across the river from Cambridge, a structure that's fascinated me for some time now. Each window is slightly out of alignment with the others, and no two repeat the same pattern (at least not for several floors). I wonder if the asymmetry bothers the young student residents, or if they're glad to be marching to a different drummer, architecturally speaking.


Ayn Rand said...

It bodders them.

Guggenhiem said...

Yes but they live in a work of art.

The Subject Was Mies. said...

Good luck to them. As a feature.

Miss Jocelyn Jas. said...

Chi Chi,
Man of a Thousand Faces, you win the Pulitzer Prize of commentat(e)rs.
I awoke out of sorts this fine morn, but yr last comment has straightened my collar, caro.