27 December 2009

Shake It Up

A lovely Christmas and a rich and full Sunday afternoon spent exploring Manhattan's garden of gustatory delights in the company of Sisters2 and friend Babsey. I got my thrill at The Shake Shack where Kobe beef and garden fresh cherry tomatoes feature largely in their famed hamburgers. Long lines deterred serious investigation, but got a delicious custard late in the day, so all's well that ends well.

1 comment:

ChiChi Fargo said...

And while you were doing your uptown thang, I was enjoying too (count 'em) noo noodle discoveries (for me) at NY Noodletown (Bowery and Bayard, Patti!), hating the crowded HighLine (Nick: "It looks like the garden of a concentration camp!") and eating a lovely birthday dinner at my new favourite resto, Fonda (www.fondarestaurant.com) in Park Slope. ¡QuĂ© bien! All this and a deliriously cheap $1 ticket home on the Bolt Bus. Can spring be far behind?