30 December 2009

End of the Decade

A picture of The Century building at 25 Central Park West to mark the end of the decade seems rather fitting. There in the park on the coldest of days, yours truly was compelled to pose in a welcome ray of sunshine while elsewhere, pedestrians were whipped by winds that howled down icy brick and steel canyons.

Less icy but by no means lacking in impact was the thrift store display window that seemed to strike its own blue mood. One can't help notice the mannequin's haughty, er, expression. And what was I thinking? So long, 2009. Hello 2010.


A False Henri said...

"winds that howled down icy brick and steel canyons"...this girl writes like Chandler; a slumming angel!

Henri said...

It was the kind of chatter put a peeper off his Twitter.