04 October 2009

Buzzin' at the Hive

Today I celebrated Utton Bay's Design Hive debut and my first face to face retail selling experience. My booth was set up and ready by 10 AM, despite some initial mishegas. I was first issued a heavy round table roughly the size of the Titanic. It left no space for my clothes rack or for me. Luckily, I was able to trade this monstrosity for a pair of small school desks that fit the space much better.

DJ Keith Jensen spun funky tracks to get sellers crunkin' and shoppers buyin'. The hands of the clock went round. Hours went by. I got to know my booth neighbors well.

Happy as I am to have seen repeat rounds of friends and neighbors, it was a lighter crowd than regulars tell me they've seen at previous Design Hive dates. As they say in baseball, "Maybe next time." (And a special shoutout to my best customer, Ms. Westerman, and to my dear friend who helped me launch The Bay, Ms. Webster Holmes.)

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