Only a few more days in this tiresome cast. Tuesday I get my case (and cast) examined and, if all goes well, they'll saw it off and replace it with a splint. I can't tell you how glad I am to be getting rid of this heavy thing. It weighs upward of eight tons. I may be exaggerating a bit, but not about the relief I'll feel.

Anticipation of this event made me so joyous I took a jaunt through the Lexington tree farm, a piece of conservation land set aside to grow municipal greenery. I felt happy as a young sprout. So happy that I later attended a special session of
Observatory Nights where I shared my thoughts (and impressive views of the moon and Venus) with astronomers on the roof of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
This gal looks all natural. Like she's been eating grape nuts with raisins.
Hola, chiquita, y saludos de Tucson. I know you're a vegetarian, but I hope you can make an exception for my latest food enthusiasm here: Sonoran hot dogs. Grilled dog, wrapped in bacon, settled into an oversized roll and slathered with salsa, beans, mustard and mayo. Make mine a double, por favor. Hasta pronto, guapa.
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