03 April 2010

Broken but Not Busted

Not one to let small things like a broken wrist stop me, one week to the day, I am back "on the job," brazenly lurking in local branch libraries. Arlington was the site of today's DVD snatch: Fellini's I, Vitelloni. I sullenly forked over my $1 rental fee. It's annoying that some branches charge money for DVD loans and others don't. I wonder if Barney Frank knows about this scam. I feel a Congressional investigation is in order.

As some of you may know, I am a vegetarian, but I do make exceptions for bacon, brisket, cheeseburgers, turkey and pork. Lucky for me the nearby Blue Ribbon BBQ was serving up delicious pulled pork and coleslaw, cajun style. I think I heard my doctor mention that BBQ was good for healing bones, and I'm not one to ignore sound medical advice.


ChiChi Fargo said...

I had not known you were a vegetarian...as a feature. Though upon further reading, I was happy to learn you are a bovo-lacto vegetarian. The best kind. With cheese.

Palin's Mignon said...

"I think I heard my doctor mention that BBQ was good for healing bones, and I'm not one to ignore sound medical advice.'
That treatment sounds excessively painful, but the plaster probably smells 'spicy' afterwards...