Imagine. You dream of being a celebrated painter. Instead, you end up sharing a suburban storefront with your husband's real estate business. To me, that would be a horrifying cauchemar (nightmare), but apparently one person is actually living it by day.
I'm not going to reveal the town this husband and wife realtor/art studio inhabits, and I deliberately blurred the signage to maintain the couple's privacy.

I have a hard time publicly ridiculing someone's personal vision. Yet I suspect there's an exception for disturbingly weird combos of real estate and art, especially when it's truly, hideously
awful. Anyone for teen girl fantasies incorporating pet lions and fey young men bearing roses and appetizers?
If you ask me, this kind

of stuff should be limited to pen scratchings on the inside cover of a biology notebook and not shown in public (and never with price tags on it.) I'm sure some of you will think my cast has made me mean spirited. Maybe so. But honestly, would you want one of these creations in your living room? I think not.
"Lady & Her Puppy" would suit Musée d'Orsay. Did you happen to notice the price tag? Do they accept Euros?
Zut alors, M. Henri. Your monocle must have cracked. That is no puppy, ceci c'est un lion!
Mais, non, Madame. C'est un Petit Chien Lion.
I must remind you we French know the work of a master when we see it! Were we wrong about Toulouse Lautrec? Paul Gaugin? Claude Monet? Jerry Lewis?
And I'll bet her husband's real estate is all like Giverny!
I, too, have wondered about this weird combo bidness as I pass it almost daily. (You were a dangerously close three blocks from chez moi, ma cherie!) This odd location has housed a dizzying roster of slightly off enterprises over the years, but I shall honor your code of honor and not mention any of them by name lest some online sleuths pierce your flimsy veil of secrecy and reveal the identities of this realtor/artiste (cosi detto) duo.
It would indeed be a grey day should that happen!
i did not peer closely, since i am not infatuated with such animalistic desires, but... one of those paintings seems to contain a "flesh colored" indecent lionette.
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