I pulled my heap up to the branch library in Wayland and gave the joint the up-and-down. It looked an easy mark. Inside, JoeY and I glommed the loot no problem. A dizzy skirt and a skinny number with a big nose did the scanning thing at the desk. That was jake with me until the sucker with the schnozzle piped something about a 14-day loan. I told the dumb mug to get his mitts off the marbles before I played some chin music on his mush. "Tell your moll to hand over the mazuma," sez I. She did. We promptly scrammed out, jumped in the flivver and faded.
Please work your criminal magic on the uptight staff at the Belmont Library. They take one look at my Watertown-issued card and without fail make a face as if they'd smelled something unpleasant. Still, they are duty-bound to check out the goods, which, face it, is all that matters. Still, I'm with Henri...I love to comb the database and have the items shipped to my local. Although recently I've been taking to hitting the Cambridge Library (Collins branch, Patti) which is oh, so close to mi casa. Desperate times require desperate measures. With cheese.
After expanding the pic, I see what a tough moll you are!! I hope these people realize who they are dealing with. Do you plan on expanding operations cross-country like the previou B& C?
Yep. even thinking 'bout opening franchises. Interested?
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