The Wellesley Library? Just another notch in my belt. I hit the joint on Saturday, a library card in each fist. A smart-mouthed Reference Desk yokel gave me some lip, but I just breezed past him into the DVD stacks, where I snatched up an obscure indy flick that hadn't made it to my local biblioteque.
Stopped at a local hash house and eyeballed their menu. What's a gal have to do to rustle up some grub in these parts? And bring me a double boilermaker -- no, make that a single -- in a dirty glass. Yep, dig the tony surroundings. After all, it
is Wellesley.
1 comment:
No local hash house, even one in Wellesley, can compare to the delights of the Caffe Taffi, a dream destination for both culinary and conversational nourishment.
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