Embarked as I was on a whirlwind of house cleaning this week, my thoughts turned to the green trash bags seen in public places all over Paris. The bags have the words “vigilance” and “propreté” printed on them – placing vigilance before cleanliness. The exact meaning remains mysterious. Perhaps
"be mindful of cleanliness" comes closest, although
some theorize that since it first appeared shortly after 9/11, the message advises the French public to be vigilant in preventing terrorism as well as strive to keep things spic and span. The bag I'm holding in the photo was located in the garden behind Notre Dame cathedral. Little wonder it was "miraculously" empty.
And we know that cleanliness is next to...
i m p o s s i b l e.
But a worthy effort, all the same.
Upon closer inspection, it appears:
1. You are INSIDE the bag, and your foot has broken through;
2. The woman seated on the bench beside you is testing a Slinky™.
This Paris is a strange place, indeed.
Garbage bags are great souvenirs. I treasure one I have from Roma (circa 1984) with "SPQR" printed on it, which does not mean, jokesters notwithstanding, "Sono porchi questi Romani." Just saying. I do not look half as good in mine as Patrice Giselle does in hers. Also just saying.
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