How this happened I cannot explain. I haven't changed shampoos. I eat the same old foods. The only difference I can think of is the daily ministrations with the damned French brush. I began imagining a potential retail bonanza; my own infomercial: The amazing Brush-your-Way-Back-to-Youth System! Turn back the clock with each stroke! Brush the years away! Only $19.95! And if you order in the next 20 minutes, get his and hers Brushaways for the same low price!
It could happen. I'll get back to you as soon as I've talked with the FTC.
Since you started your hairbrushing routine with the new brush, do you always wear that white scarf? Something to consider.
Someone who can really use the Brush-Your-Way-Back-to-Youth System
Franchement, Global Design Director JT "suggested" it would enhance the glamour of the moment.
(And don't you think it does?)
Scientifically yrs,
It may be the same phenomenon afforded by the L'Amour Color Comb, a much-touted product I recall from TV commercials of my youth. My mother bought one and I was fascinated. It turned out to be a comb with a shoepolish-like crayon attached to it that would paint your hair when you used it. Still, I liked the name.
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