It was
Formaggio Kitchen's BBQ Weekend, a must-attend for vegetarians like me who make exceptions for pulled pork, pulled beef brisket, pulled lamb, pulled spicy chicken, Niman Ranch dogs on brioche bun, grilled and smoked using a variety of woods and smothered in savory onions. Glaringly absent was the usual block-long queue of salivating BBQ enthusiasts lining the Huron Avenue sidewalk. Was it the July 4th holiday that kept them away, or perhaps the rumor that I'd be there to buy out the store?
The Secret Gardens of Cambridge is now an every-other-yearly event I first attended some years ago, and try my best not to miss. For one jam-packed Sunday a year, I get to wander around people's backyards and hobnob with amateur gardeners who take serious delight in creating tiny urban parks where you'd least expect to find them. A true inspiration for this Chauncy gardener.
Hooray for the pre-Independence Day return of The Uttmost, filled with our favorite themes: food, food and more food; flexible vegetarianism; hobnobbing...all this and a sly play on words. Worth the wait, folks. Thanks.
Mille grazie, Signore ChiChi, our most favored friend and commentat(e)r.
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