This week brought news that my Sisters2 took the plunge into the heady world of mobile devices; namely, the purchase of twin Blackberry Curves and a matching Verizon plan so they can text, surf, and chat to their hearts' content. If this isn't the future, what is?

While meandering a church basement tag sale in the city, I happened upon a hallway adorned with artwork produced by schoolkids not much older than my sisters and I were in the gauzy photo above. Little Sophie Eisenberg's remarkable monochrome print stood out from the rest. I think you'll agree that this unsung 3rd grade artiste managed to come up with a sci-fi/retro-futurist-inspired composition worthy of Man Ray.
Imagine the distractions young Sophie and her kind will contend with...or will the next generation harken back to the
Be Here Now school of thought?
"The girls" lead the way, once again. And as for Sophie E, her print says "Rockwell Kent meets Georges Méliès" to me. The future beams bright. On both counts.
Wow, je me dit Méliès, aussi, mais je pense que c'est moi. Merci, Joyce!
It's in the stars, baby.
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