They're red and blue and green.
Everybody in the crowd is there,
But you won't let me make the scene.
-"Party Lights," Claudine Clark (1962)
It seemed like a good idea at the time: a short drive to Northeastern University on Sunday afternoon to see America's first black president up close. Actually getting in was something else again. I risked a $50 ticket parking in an iffy spot. Acres of chilled hopefuls stood in lines that snaked 7 blocks long across Huntington Avenue. (I learned later than most of them were turned away after the venue had reached capacity.) I never got close to seeing Obama, but somehow I'm not mad about it. I figure that too many supporters is better than too few.
Mama dear, oh tell me do you hear
They're partying to-ni-i-ight.
I tell you I can't sleep
Because across the street
Oh oh oh oh
I see the party lights.
One of my first 45s.
Played on my Webcor phonograph.
Why is your spacing different on this entry?
I'm scarin'.
Please pardon the inconvenience. Ms. Bay has been messin' wit the spacin' so we took away her bloggin' privileges for 24 hrs.
- your Global Design Director
Thank you for the clarification.
I guess some (slight) leeway is to be allowed, at least here in the Bay State, where the song's title could conceivably be pronounced, "Patti Lights." Still...
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