To your left: photographic proof of old friend Sandro's ability to tolerate my show-off theatrics while visiting the Gloucester estate of Dr. Jay on a moody Saturday afternoon. Fortified by a free-range Mediterranean saladio and accompanied by Global Design Director JoeY, we scaled the local Matterhorn and noted the highest point in town from the former estate of Canadian-born glue czar W.N. LePage (yes, the Mucilage King himself).

To your right: Banner Hill below decks. The good Doctor led us to the basement to reveal an honest-to-gosh naval swivel gun, found buried on the property and dating back to the Napoleonic Wars (we hope). Sailing vessels of yore employed these to guard against invasion (and not the Bose kind, either).

Maybe the LePage clan kept it around for similar purposes. Or maybe as an ancient form of Pulse Width Modulation. Who knows?
Just below: Sandro points out various geographic highlights of Gloucester Harbor while I dream of

Nicoises I Have Known. It only took one flawlessly mixed wine spritzer for me to see that these fellas really know how to entertain a gal (and I mean that in the nicest way). A tour of the art-filled East and West wings capped a perfect afternoon by the sea.